Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I did what?

My former coach put it best when she wrote on my Facebook wall a couple days ago... "RELAX! You're body is screaming fro recovery. I never thought I'd have to say this to you..."

I've been bit by the workout bug. In trying to make a schedule last week I realized there aren't enough slots in my schedule to fit in all the workouts I would like to be able to. It's becoming a bit obsessive. Until yesterday, I hadn't taken a full rest day since the day before the mini marathon. I kept thinking, "oh I feel fine now. It's not that much." But after each workout I was dead. Muscles aching, prolonged soreness — all things I never experience in college even though I was swimming like mad. I always took Sunday off.

I'm paying for my stupidity dearly now. I'm sick as a dog and miserable. Sinus headache, runny nose, uncontrollable emotions...you name it. I'm falling apart. The problem: I feel better when I work out. It's a drug — and I'm a junkie.

I rested yesterday and will go back to hitting the pavement tonight. I think a short 3-4 mile run should do it along with some core/ab work.

Until then, I need to take another look at my schedule and decide where I want to build in my rest days. I'm not going through this again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Indy Mini Marathon

I haven't posted on here in a long while, so my apologies. Daily updates coming soon as I've realized I've definitely been bitten by the competition bug. Seeing how this is my training log, I need to make better use of it to track miles and day to day changes in my training.

All of my hard work and training really paid off. On May 2, 2009 I completed my first half-marathon, the Indianapolis One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon, and it exceeded my expectations. I had a blast. My fiance, pictured above, also ran the race with me along with a handful of training partners we've hooked up with through our gym.

I completed the 13.1 mile course in 2:02.16, not bad for a first-timer and running neophyte. I will definitely be running the race again next year. As of now, debating whether to sign up for another mini August 2nd in Chicago.

I went on my first post-race run yesterday with my dog Lucy. I hadn't taken a day off working out since before the race to needless to say my body was pretty tired. Lucy was ready to keep going but my legs told me I needed a break after 2.5 miles. I figure I'll start slow and get back into it. Hope to do 5 on Thursday and gear up for 8 on Sunday with the gang.